If You Are A Baby Boomer, You Will Go Bankrupt—If You Stay In America
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Unlike us, he’s got no worries— he can afford a good gerontologist. |
Meanwhile, a friend in Texas, with nearly the identical problem, wound up paying $2,000 for the implant, and an additional $1,500 for the crown—almost 8 times what I paid. I told her it would have been cheaper—substantially cheaper—for her to fly down to Chile, stay at a nice hotel, and get the procedure done here. She thought I was kidding—until she compared the costs of the procedure, added the airfare and hotel costs, and then realized that I was right. (If you don’t believe me, check out the American Airlines website and the Holiday Inn website for yourself, then do the math.)
Another example: My 89 year-old grandmother has senile dementia, so she requires round-the-clock nursing care. Her cost? Here in Chile it’s about $1,500 per month—and this is private nursing care through a professional agency, with fully acredited RN’s taking care of her day and night in her own home. In the U.S.? The cost for the same quality of care would be between 5 and 10 times as expensive, if not more.
Now, I’m not bringing up these examples because I’m working for the Chilean ministry for tourism—I’m not. I’m giving these examples in order to highlight something crucial about globalization.
Globalization has meant that labor costs are much cheaper outside the developed world. A factory in China will produce a doodad at a small fraction of what it would cost to produce in America or Europe. Which is great, if you want to buy that doodad.
But globalization has also meant that the care and services required for older people are much cheaper outside the developed world—and prohibitively expensive in the U.S. and Europe.
Which is a disaster for retirees in America. Because if you are a retiree—or if you are a Baby Boomer who will soon be retiring—then you live on a fixed income: Be it a pension or Social Securitychecks or an annuity or some combination thereof. So if you live on a fixed income, and the price of health care (or health insurance) is continuously rising, then it is a certainty that you will go bankrupt before you die.
Pretty much sucks, yeah? Here’s why.
America is a demographic timebomb. According to the Population Reference Bureau, there are 72 million Baby Boomers alive in the United States today. That is, the 76 million that were born between 1946 and 1964, minus the approximately four million members of this generation who have so far died. As of this year, 2013, those 72 million people are aged between 67 and 49—and they represent almost a quarter of the total U.S. population.
Baby Boomers have begun to retire—and they are already having powerful effects on Social Security. As of 2011, the ratio of retirees to workers was 35 per 100. By 2030—when Baby Boomers will be between the ages of 84 and 66—the ratio will be 49 per 100. Social Security will be unsustainable—retirees will be receiving fewer benefits (i.e., less money) as more and more Boomers retire and demand their SS checks, while fewer and fewer workers contribute to Social Security.
(And by the by: The is no such thing as the “Social Security Trust Fund” or the “Social Security Lockbox” or any other such balderdash. Social Security is essentially a pyramid scheme, whereby new participants pay for the older participants. And as everyone knows, a pyramid scheme works great so long as there are ever more people joining the pyramid and contributing. But once the demographic base narrows—as it did following the Baby Boomers in 1964—there are fewer people left to pay the older players. Which is what’s happening to Social Security. Which is why Boomers will get far less than their elders, and far less than what they actually contributed over the years.)
On the other hand, the effects of aging and retiring Baby Boomers on health care costs are already catastrophic—and they will get much, much worse as the generation ages. An older population means more sick people. More sick people means more demand on health care resources, which of course drives up costs. And we are seeing this in the aggregate health care costs in the United States: Those costs rose “only” 4% in 2012 after adjustment for inflation. The year before, they rose 6.7%. Next year (2014), many experts predict costs will rise by nearly 7%. These numbers will only get worse as the 72 millions Boomers go through the aging process all at the same time.
So, rock? Meet hard place: Baby Boomers will receive less government retirement money, even as health care costs will rise, as ever-increasing numbers of Baby Boomers make more and more demands on the American health care system as they grow older and sicker.
This situation of less retirement money and higher health care costs is inevitable. It is a function of demographic reality: Too many Baby Boomers who will get sick, and not enough working, taxpaying Americans to pay for their care.
Which leads to the following, inevitable conclusion: Every Baby Boomer who gets seriously ill after retirement—but does not die—will likely go bankrupt.Every single one.
You know those horror stories about retirees who lost their businesses over a bout of appendecitis, or lost their homes because of a routine colonoscopy? A few years ago, those stories were reserved for an article in USA Today: A modern-day tragedy, my oh my. But now, these stories are happening to people we know. In some cases, they are happening to people we love. And in some cases—ever increasing number of cases—these stories are happening to us.
You have to be realistic about the situation. It doesn’t help to loudly claim that “American health care is the best in the world!”, and then stick your head in the sand until you’ve lost your home and all your money because of the spiraling costs of health care in America. And as to why this situation is as it is, the answer is academic. There is more than enough blame to go around, so assigning it is relatively pointless.
What matters is what to do about this situation. How to dodge the bullet, and get the health care you want without going bankrupt. You have to look at the situation, and figure out what’s right for you.
This is what I think:
If you are a retiree, or close to retirement, it is insane to continueliving in the United States. You will go bankrupt if you do.
Therefore, take advantage of globalization: Leave the United States, and go to where medical care is cheaper.
Going back to the example of my friend in Texas: She paid over $3,500 for a tooth, while I paid less than 13% of that cost. In other words, I got an 87% discount—because I was not living in America, and so did not have to pay the outrageous prices of American health care.
If you could get an 87% discount on your health care, would you take it? Or would you deliberately stand pat, pay 100%—and go broke?
The answer is obvious. So if you cannot afford health care in the United States—or realize that, in the not-too-distant future, you won’t be able to afford it—then the smart move if you are living on a fixed income (or will be soon) is to try to look for a place where health care costs are manageable. A place where you can receive your pension or Social Security check or annuity or whatever, and yet not be afraid that you are one medical emergency away from losing your house and all your money. A place where you can take advantage of globalization, and get the best medical care at the best price.
At my Strategic Planning Group, I have a Scenario called “Exit America”. In it, I discuss how to leave America (or Europe), and find a new place that’s right for you. I do not claim that there is some Eden out there where everyone can just go and be happy—there is no one-size-fits-all Shangri La. That’s because everyone is different, and so different people have different priorities—different things and situations and environments that make them happy. Which in turn means that “Eden” is different and unique for each one of us.
Therefore, in the Scenario, I outline a strategy to find a country that’s right for you. I explain how to figure out your priorities, then start looking for a place that satisfies those priorities, while at the same time giving you practical knowledge and insights into how to exit America.
When I started the Scenario, I had in mind people who wanted to leave America because of political or philosophical reasons, as I did. In my own case, I had become dismayed by the police-state mentality that has creapt into American life following 9/11, which finally made me want to leave.
But now, it’s becoming increasingly clear that one of the main reasons to leave the United States is because of the economics of retirement.
The flood of retirees that will hit America will make life unaffordable for people over 60 in the near-term future. Therefore, unless you are insanely rich, it is inevitable that you and the vast majority of your Baby Boomer peers will go broke because of health care costs, as I explained above.
So if you are a Baby Boomer, the smartest thing you could do is leave the United States now, while you’re still healthy enough to do so, and move to a country where quality health care is affordable. A country where your fixed retirement income will be enough to pay for good medical care without bankrupting you. In short, anyplace but America.
A final thought.
Have you ever seen a bankrupt elderly person? Have you ever met someone who is over 70, who cannot get any kind of a job, and who cannot start any kind of business? Have you ever met an older person who has no home, who has no assets, who has no income save for a small government check? They might get a few hundred dollars from the government every month—but will it cover their basic, necessary expenses? Will it be enough for shelter, for food, for medical care?
Probably not.
Now ask yourself: Do you want to be that person? Do you want to be making the choice between eating and taking your necessary medication? Do you want to be a person who scrambles to exist, but does not live? Because you will become that person, if you plan on retiring on a fixed income in America. One serious but non-fatal illness will break you, and leave you with nothing when you are at your weakest—guaranteed.
This is the inevitable outcome of the U.S. healthcare situation. Denying it is foolish, and trying to assign blame is a waste of time. The demographic reality cannot be denied. So if you are a Baby Boomer, and you do not want to be homeless and broke in your retirement years, your best shot is to exit America now—while you still can.
If you are interested in exploring strategies to leave America and find a country that’s right for you, go to my Strategic Planning Group’s Preview Page and check out the site.
I'm glad that your grandmother is receiving good care, but I wonder about the numbers. You wrote that it only costs $1,500/month to give her round-the-clock care at home. A 30-day month has 720 hours, so if there's only one nurse there, then the cost is only about $2 per nurse per hour. Do nurses earn that little in Chile, or is someone else covering the costs above $1,500/month?
If someone leaves this country with a pension or Social Security being paid in US dollars, and the US dollar tanks, then what? With QE6 or 7 or whatever Helicopter Ben is doing now, it's inevitable that inflation will destroy the spending power of the money from this country. So, is dog food better in Chile, or in the USA?
The government has billions of dollars to spend on war, but doesn't have any money to feed, house, or take care of it's own citizens?
And Americans are so apathetic, they don't care. They'd rather just watch stupid TV shows rather than go out and DEMAND that their government starts taking care of them.
But yeah, economically as well, the place is just not worth it, the atmosphere of permanent paranoia and police state propaganda and praxis quite aside.
Uh, no. Ever wonder why?
Case you didnt know, here in America we´ve got a saying: "You get what you pay for". Do you seriously feel comfortable living in a civilization where a caregiver (one of the most important jobs a person could ever do, BTW) gets a measly $2 a day? Doesn´t that tell you something the country itself? Its economy? The people? Apart from outrageous, its sounds downright disgraceful to me. People´s wages tell a lot about the country and the standard of living. Econ 101, bud.
It seems you don’t understand the exchange rate, or that incomes vary around the world. In one country it might cost 500 Baht for a nice shirt. Wow you say, 500 just for a shirt, - that’s way too high! It is too high, - if you are thinking that it is equivalent to dollars. It is not! In fact it equals about sixteen U.S. dollars. So it is not really so high.
Likewise rates can sound too low. Too high or too low depends on what you can buy locally with the local currency. Not what the US dollar is worth inside the US. Two or three dollars can be worth much more in another economy. You missed that point, and that is the point that the article clearly conveys.
Go back to watching American Idol...
And the lack of rule of law is why NZ businesses avoid the US and we are suspicious of entering a free trade agreement on American terms.
The other option is to not retire, of course.
REPLY: Your question can’t be answered because it does not make sense. You are being deliberately obtuse or you simply don’t have the capacity to understand exchange rates. The first amount does not equate to the latter and no one said it did.
Currency value changes even within a country. After WWII, in the late 1940’s and into the 1950’s, the USA minimum wage was about 30 cents an hour; bread was 10¢ a loaf; a gallon of milk was 84¢; a brand new car was about $1,500 and a gallon of gasoline was 15¢. New houses in Levittown sold for less than $10,000.
So for a “measly $2 a day” as you say, you could do OK. But according to your words, “that sounds disgraceful” to you. You say, “Doesn’t that tell you something the country itself? Its economy? The people? People’s wages tell a lot about the country and the standard of living. Econ 101, bud.”
Well “Bud”, people were happy and lived pretty well back then. Bud it seems you don’t understand inflation, exchange rates, value or currency dynamics. So Bud, does the bread taste better now that it costs $2.39 a loaf instead of a measly 10¢? Does a gallon of gas go further now that it costs $3.89 instead of a measly 15¢?
Inflation will continue and the current prices will look like a real bargain in fifty years. Maybe then some dunce will look back and write, “That’s just a shameful standard of living. Econ 101, bud.”
Bud it seems you won’t be happy until the minimum wage is a hundred an hour and bread costs $65.00 and a gallon of gasoline is $130.00. Somehow you think high figures are good. Yet you won't get any more value for your high wages because prices have gone up too!
You totally ignore the real value of currency, and what the local currency can purchase. The standard of living is not reflected in how high (or low) the figures are, but rather what the currency can purchase.
Yo buddy, wake up n flush out yer head gear, case ya didn´t know, oil n wheat are friggin commodities. Know what that means,right? Unless yer in Venzenuela where gas is 5 cents a gallon (and you aint got no Second Amendment Rights, BTW) poor old 50 dollar A DAY Latin American nurse gonna pay them same gas prices as our average 50 dollar AN HOUR ´Merican nurse. Guess who gets the better deal genius. Like I said : Econ 101, son. Now back to bed, adults chatting here, kay?
Uh, you just called my arguments "bunk" and that I "lack basic knowledge and have nothing to contribute" and that I am "not welcomed here" and you callin´ me arrogant and condescending?
Listen Mikey, all I´m saying is that its a race to the bottom. I´d rather hit rock bottom in my country where at least we´ve got the Second Amendment that´ll protect us from tyranny, than move to a continent with a history rife in dictatorships and mass killings. Yeah, no matter how cheap you can get a nurse.
“I survived by standing firm”? Standing firm against whom?
See, Fate is not a person—it is a set of circumstances. If I have a bad set of circumstances that in all likelihood will get worse, I don’t “fight against” my circumstances. Rather, I try to improve my circumstances. If that means moving, so be it.
Moving is not synonymous with “giving up”. Rather, staying put and allowing circumstances to destroy you—THAT is “giving up”.
I left California because I could see I was working for the state and I had ceased to enjoy myself due to the over regulation of the state. I LEFT!!! As soon as I left things immediately got better and I was able to prosper in a cheaper state. I hate to leave the U.S. but like California I dont like what I see and I no longer have faith that the people will see what is happening here and fight back. The DHS is preparing to kill us with the purchase of 1.5 billion bullets ( not an exaggeration) and the so called media claims that the people who think the government orchestrated 9/11 are conspiracy theorists. When there is absolutely too much evidence to prove they did it. I know were screwed and soon everyone else will know it too.
You dont get it cuz you´re proly not American. What Anonymous is getting at is that there aint nuthing we hate more here in America than a Benedict Arnold. People who are here for the ride, suck this country dry and as soon as sh%$ gets ugly, they head for the nearest exit (kinda like you). You proly went to public school here in the US right? Learned English well enough to go to college, no doubt. Proly used our hospitals and called police when there was trouble. Enjoyed the benefits of living in a free country under a Constitution and Bill of Rights, correct? So, after all that hand over fist taking, what do you decide to do? You start a blog dissing the US of A. Class act bud, real class act. Yeah, I understand anonymous, I understand him perfectly.
"Lemme" try...
Ya'll come back, heah!
Gap toothed or not, I callz em as I seez ´em Vic, and 50 dollar a day nursing smells awfully fishy to me...awfully fishy I reckon.
Also, how did you make a living in another country which I see is a big obstacle for others trying to make this permanent move?
But a few will be able to move, in order to benefit from lower costs of living and other features of other countries.
What is up with the homosexual banner. I don't know about Chile, but in the states that is the flag the butt bandits and lesbians use to broadcast their homosexuality to the world. I know you are married,so I found it rather perplexing. Maybe its a cultural thing. Cheers.
You would consider it crazy to think that you had done something bad or wrong, simply by moving to a nicer neighborhood...You know there is nothing wrong with shopping at a lower cost store for the same stuff you need...so why is it "wrong" to choose another country to live in which offers you more safety or cheaper prices or that is simply more fun?
That in itself says the most.
Just as the last 2 generations cannibalized boomers and younger - the boomers will continue the ponzi theft scheme by picking what little flesh remains on Americans who are middle aged and younger today.
Who would have thought - 60 years of FREE MONEY - NOT MEANS TESTED TRANSFER OF WEALTH PAYMENTS and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE FOR THE AGED 65 AND OVER would destroy America and rename it IOUSA.
Can you feel the freedom - you slaves who are "on the hook" - will be forced to live like an animal - so your recent ancestors get "theirs" ?
That is not self-evident. In fact, it can be shown to be untrue. Rome was a great empire—until it wasn’t. Same with the Byzantine Empire, the Spanish empire, the French empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire, and the British empire.
All these empires rose, prospered, decayed, and were finally overrun. What is so special about America that it will manage to avoid this inevitable cycle, and continue to be the dominant empire until the ends of time?
From what I can tell, health care in these places is very good and not wildly over-priced as it is here in the USA. I hope to move to Panama or somewhere after I retire. Maybe I can take some steps to preserve my modest savings - maybe my promised pension will have some value in a few years or maybe not. I'll do what I can to prepare.
The USA is certainly not a hellhole as some over-excited commenters have said. I just cut some roses from my yard and put them in my vase. The sun is shining and my air conditioner is purring away. My kitchen is stocked with good, cheap food. I may visit the neighborhood taco truck for a good burrito later. That said, the trends here are very disturbing. We should all heed Mr. Lira's warnings and make some prudent preparations for trouble. Also consider that if the $15 trillion US economy takes a plunge, you'll feel it in SA, too. Maybe it's not fair, but it;s that kind of world.
hasta la vista,
Matt in Ohio, USA
There was a history textbook used in US High Schools-"American Pageant"
It went thru 13 editions becoming more and more politically correct in the process.
I would recommend all of you to dig up the pre-50's edition from the Good Old Times (all Times when Old are Good) .Then you realize that basic structure of US Society remained the same throughout the ages.With the same amount of economic injustice and so-called freedom (much talked about but rarely seen).
Using the politically incorrect terms from this venerable textbook (back then they called a Spade a Spade):
My Ancestors were "Bipeds from the Forest" who came to the "Land of Second Chance". That nails it-at least in my case!
I firmly believe that for me there is no "Land of Third Chance". I do not want to expatriate-mainly because I do not like Foreigners and do not trust them.I saw enough of them while serving in the military.
If things take a sudden turn to the worse-I'll manage to fire a few well-placed shots.If I die-what is the big fucking deal? Who the fuck cares?
I do not want to live 120 years .I saw enough of those living corpses in Florida.DWD-Drivig While already Dead.At 20 miles below the speed limit.
Bottom line:
If I'll die in a Combat Zone
You don't have to box me up & ship me Home.
Just bury me (preferably upside down-so the whole world can kiss my ass) where I was born.
I couldn't agree with this article more. If I was a Boomer with a small pension, social security, a modest savings and have a paid or partially off house I would have left to a Latin American country long ago. I personally welcome the challenge living in another culture and learning a foreign language.
My question to you is for the people - like me - who were born after the Boomers and have no such assets and no hopes of collecting social security. For example, if someone is between the ages of 35-45 and will live another forty or fifty plus years I calculate one would need at the minimum $500k-$750k to make that move and that's not counting if you have a spendthrift spouse and children. I don't see how the the average American would even get work in Chile or if they did it wouldn't pay much. So, not having a job prospect in your new country, nor substantial savings and income do you cover how the average American could survive this move in your strategic planning group?
a. Left the big city in NZ with million dollar homes and moved to a small academic town.
b. Paid off the mortgage.
c. Joined the state pension scheme (there is a tax cut) at minimum but maxed out the academic scheme.
I have helped daughter out of the hole and I have two boys to get through degrees. At that point, somewhere rural and warm, and part time work until I drop dead or dementia takes me. Northern Queensland or Samoa look good right now.
Notwithstanding the excellent points made in your post, it is very difficult for most Americans, or any others, who would wish to expatriate to actually be able to do so. My head is well above the sand, believe me. However, nothing is free and expatriation is a very expensive undertaking.
First off, you’d be surprised how much of the things you own are just not really necessary.
Second, learning a new language as an adult is not as difficult as you would think. At 45, I started picking up French and German (as I was living there last year), and it was a lot easier than I thought.
Third, getting a second passport is doable.
Fourth, the cost of relocation—once you’ve ditched those possessions which you really do not need—is much less than you might think.
At the end of the day, moving to another country so as to start fresh is what Americans’ ancestors did. Relocating and starting fresh is part and parcel of America’s collective heritage. So it should be no trouble at all for a “real American”, to pull up stakes and move on.
Elderly won't bankrupt. They'll VOTE!
They'll vote for anybody who will promise them higher pensions, cheap or free healthcare, etc...
Trust me, I live in the EU so I know.
And trust me, there still exists a gap between taxes in USA and the EU. So the taxation, expropriation, redistribution, regulation (and other forms of socialism/facism) will increase to european levels (and beyond).
So finally no elderly will escape. Only productive minority will have the reason to escape. But the state won't let them (trust me, I've lived behind the iron curtain and I know what the state is able to do if considers something as "needed").
Isn't "Capitalism Great??"
I am a retired woman, on Social Security. I have a science education, but was never able to attain high wages. However, because I like to learn and am open minded to what works, I am self trained in nutrition, homeopathy and herbal medicine. I garden. I exercise. I live simply, but well. I do procure the services of holistic medical professionals if needed.
I am a Christian and I practice Buddhist principles.
I did travel to South America to look to live, but realized
even there, relocation was out of the question financially.
For those who take responsibility for their lives/health, and get educated, I think it may be possible to survive in the US. For those who can relocate, I wish you the best, I loved Uruguay and Southern Brazil.
That being said, if relocating to another country is in your agenda it does not mean you have to give up your citizenship. Many Americans have dual citizenship and have not given up on the motherland. But are being cautious if things get too bad.
International Living.com helps those looking to relocate elsewhere and also is promoting the a course on how to English overseas and support yourself. Might be worthwhile checking it out.